Broadband, made easy.

Legal Disclaimer

Amplio Communications Limited (Amplio) welcomes you to our website. By accessing the pages of this website, using and/or downloading any information from this website, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted our terms and conditions.

Amplio owns all copyright and all other intellectual property rights within this website. Everything in this websites is copyrighted unless otherwise noted. Amplio allows the use of this website for non-commercial use only, provided that there is no copyright removed, no trademark removed and no other proprietary notices contained in the content removed. We advise that you are not to copy or display any portion of this site for commercial purposes or for redistribution to third parties or without Amplio' written permission.

The information and content provided within this website is intended only as an introduction and guide to Amplio and its range of available services and products. Changes and updates to the content and information within this website may occur without notice.

This website is governed by the laws of New Zealand. This website is to be interpreted in accordance with the laws of New Zealand. You must not use this website or its contents to breach any legislation or for any unlawful act. You must not use this website or its contents to damage or disrupt this website or any other website. 

Despite efforts to supply accurate information and content, errors and exclusions may occur. Amplio does not accept any liability for any damage or loss which may directly or indirectly result from any advice, opinion, information, representation or exclusion, whether negligent or otherwise, contained within this website.

These terms and conditions apply to use of this website. When booking or purchasing services or products through this website you will be required to agree to certain additional terms and conditions. If there is any inconsistency between any additional terms and conditions and these terms and conditions, then the additional terms and conditions will prevail to the extent of that inconsistency.

When you book a service or product from Amplio online, you are making an offer to Amplio to purchase that service or product. Amplio may accept or decline that offer in its sole and absolute discretion. Amplio may process payment for a service or product, the service or product will not be considered accepted until Amplio completed installation of product and/or supplied the service.

The websites linked to this website are not under the control of Amplio. Amplio is not responsible for and makes no representations, warranties or conditions concerning the contents of any linked website or any link contained within a linked website. Amplio has provided links to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement, investigation or verification by Amplio of the linked website.

In accordance with Internet protocol we require that you request the written permission from Amplio to link to this site. If you would like to link to the website, please contact us.